@@ -7,17 +7,11 @@ This wiki page details how to fully create an experiment.
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Experiment file tree](#experiment-file-tree)
- [Experiment file tree](#experiment-file-tree)
- [Experiment creation](#experiment-creation)
- [Experiment creation](#experiment-creation)
- - [Experiment initialization](#experiment-initialization)
- - [Experiment configuration](#experiment-configuration)
- - [Experiment mixins API](#experiment-mixins-api)
- - [ExperimentBase](#experimentbase)
- - [ExperimentBaseAreSameImages](#experimentbasearesameimages)
- - [ExperimentBaseExtracts](#experimentbaseextracts)
## Prerequisites
## Prerequisites
-To learn how to create an experiment, you first need to know how [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/) works.
+To learn how to create an experiment, **you first need to know how [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/) works**.
If you want to use the same style as the application, here is the [Vuetify documentation](https://vuetifyjs.com/en/getting-started/quick-start).
If you want to use the same style as the application, here is the [Vuetify documentation](https://vuetifyjs.com/en/getting-started/quick-start).
@@ -42,114 +36,75 @@ The complete `/src` directory file tree can be found here: [Application file tre
│ └── index.js || Main routing logic
│ └── index.js || Main routing logic
└── views || Application views (pages)
└── views || Application views (pages)
└── Experiments || Experiments
└── Experiments || Experiments
+ ├── _template_.vue || Experiment minimal template
├── AreSameImagesRandom.vue || Two random quality images (versus)
├── AreSameImagesRandom.vue || Two random quality images (versus)
- ├── AreSameImagesReferenceOneExtract.vue || Two reference images, one has a random quality extract (versus)
├── AreSameImagesReference.vue || One random quality image, one reference image (versus)
├── AreSameImagesReference.vue || One random quality image, one reference image (versus)
- └── MatchExtractsWithReference.vue || Lowest quality extracts, match them to reference image
+ ├── AreSameImagesReferenceOneExtract.vue || Two reference images, one has a random quality extract (versus)
+ ├── IsImageCorrect.vue || An image cut in half horizontally, tell if it looks normal
+ ├── IsImageCorrectOneExtract.vue || An image cut in half horizontally, tell if it looks normal
+ ├── MatchExtractsWithReference.vue || Lowest quality extracts, match them to reference image
+ └── PercentQualityRandom.vue || Random quality image, tell how high the quality is
## Experiment creation
## Experiment creation
+Follow the following steps to create a new experiment.
-### Experiment initialization
-When creating an experiment
##### 1. Choose an experiment name, it must be in [UpperCamelCase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case)
##### 1. Choose an experiment name, it must be in [UpperCamelCase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case)
##### 2. Create a new `<YourExperimentName>.vue` file in the [`/src/views/Experiments`](../src/views/Experiments) directory
##### 2. Create a new `<YourExperimentName>.vue` file in the [`/src/views/Experiments`](../src/views/Experiments) directory
##### 3. Link your experiment to the [Vue.js routing system](https://router.vuejs.org/)
##### 3. Link your experiment to the [Vue.js routing system](https://router.vuejs.org/)
Create a new entry in the [`/src/router/experiments.js`](../src/router/experiments.js) file following this structure:
Create a new entry in the [`/src/router/experiments.js`](../src/router/experiments.js) file following this structure:
- path: '/experiments/YourExperimentName/:sceneName',
+ path: '/experiments/<YourExperimentName>/:sceneName',
- name: 'YourExperimentName',
+ name: '<YourExperimentName>',
- component: () => import('@/views/Experiments/YourExperimentName'),
+ component: () => import('@/views/Experiments/<YourExperimentName>'),
props: true,
props: true,
meta: {
meta: {
- fullName: 'The visible name of your experiment'
+ fullName: '<The visible name of your experiment>'
##### 4. Choose or create the experiment mixin
##### 4. Choose or create the experiment mixin
-`TODO: finish this part`
-An experiment mixin is a subset of functions or data that can be used in a type of experiment.
+An experiment mixin is a subset of data or methods that can be used in a type of experiment. The [`ExperimentBase`](./05-experiment-mixins-api.md#experimentbase) mixin is the bare minimum to include in your experiment, it is mandatory.
+Keep in mind that if the mixin you are using already extends [`ExperimentBase`](./05-experiment-mixins-api.md#experimentbase), you do not need to import it a second time.
+See [Experiment mixins API](./05-experiment-mixins-api.md) to check data and methods available to you. You need to use the `this` keyword in any Vue methods/templates to use these features.
+##### 5. Create the experiment configuration
+Create a new entry in the `experiments` object of the [`/experimentConfig.default.js`](../experimentConfig.default.js) file following this structure:
+YourExperimentName: {
+ mixins: [mixins.ExperimentBase], // Your used mixins
+ defaultConfig: { // Configuration used for all scenes
+ // Data to apply to any scenes of the experiment
+ // maxTestCount: 5
+ },
+ scenesConfig: { // Scene-specific configuration
+ // Data to apply to only some scenes
+ // bathroom: {
+ // maxTestCount: 5
+ // }
+ },
+ availableScenes: {
+ whitelist: null, // Whitelist available scenes (String[]). If null, takes all scenes
+ blacklist: null // Remove scenes (String[])
+ }
+You can add any data in `defaultConfig` and `scenesConfig` properties, It will get merged with your experiment data (the configuration file has more priority, if you have an experiment data with the same key, it will replace it).
+##### 6. Actual experiment creation
-##### 5. Actual experiment creation
Copy the minimal experiment template [`/src/views/Experiments/_template.vue`](../src/views/Experiments/_template.vue) content to your new experiment.
Copy the minimal experiment template [`/src/views/Experiments/_template.vue`](../src/views/Experiments/_template.vue) content to your new experiment.
You are all set! You can now develop your own experiment.
You are all set! You can now develop your own experiment.
-See [Experiment mixins API](#experiment-mixins-api) to check data and methods available from your selected parent mixins using the `this` keyword in any Vue methods/templates.
-### Experiment configuration
-`TODO: finish this part`
-## Experiment mixins API
-### ExperimentBase
-File: [`/src/mixins/ExperimentBase.vue`](../src/mixins/ExperimentBase.vue)
-Extends: []
-This mixin is mandatory. If you want to create a new mixin, use this mixin in your mixin.
-When drawing the tree from top mixins to the experiment itself, `ExperimentBase` must be the very top parent.
-| Data | Type | Default | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ------- | ----------- |
-| `loadingMessage` | `String` | `null` | Message to display while loading the application. `null` = not loading
-| `loadingErrorMessage` | `String` | `null` | Message to display when the application failed to load. `null` = no loading errror
-| `qualities` | `Number[]` | `null` | List of qualities for the current scene
-| Method | Return type | Description |
-| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
-| `loadProgress()` | `void` | Load progress from store into local state |
-| `saveProgress()` | `void` | Save progress from local state into store |
-| `loadConfig()` | `void` | Load a config object into the local state |
-| `finishExperiment()` | `void` | Finish an experiment, sending full data to the server . Don't forget to surcharge this function when using this mixin to add more data! |
-| `getQualitiesList()` | `Promise<void>` | Load qualities list from the API |
-| `getImage(quality: Number)` | `Promise<Object>` | Load an image from the API |
-| `sendMessage({ msgId: String, msg: Object })` | `void` | Send a message using `/experimentCollect` API route, your message will be stored in the database. Message IDs are listed in [`/config.messageId.js`](../config.messageId.js) |
-| `setExperimentFinished([done=true: Boolean])` | `void` | Set the current experiment as finished in the browser's cache |
-### ExperimentBaseAreSameImages
-File: [`/src/mixins/ExperimentBaseAreSameImages.vue`](../src/mixins/ExperimentBaseAreSameImages.vue)
-Extends: [[ExperimentBase](#experimentbase)]
-| Data | Type | Default | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ------- | ----------- |
-| `maxTestCount` | `Number` | `null` | The total number of tests to pass for this scene |
-| `testCount` | `Number` | `1` | Passed tests count |
-| `image1` | `Object` | `null` | One of the two images |
-| `image2` | `Object` | `null` | One of the two images |
-| Method | Return type | Description |
-| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
-| `scrollToChoiceButtons()` | `void` | Scroll the page to the answer buttons |
-| `getTest(leftQuality: Number, rightQuality: Number)` | `Promise<Object>` | Load a test using provided qualities |
-| `areTheSameAction(areTheSame: Boolean, getTestFn: Function, additionalData: any)` | `Promise<Object>` | Answer to the versus. `getTestFn` shoud be an async function that returns an object matching `{ image1: Object, image2: Object }`. additionalData is the experiment-specific content you want to send to the database |
-| `finishExperiment()` | `void` | Finish an experiment |
-### ExperimentBaseExtracts
-File: [`/src/mixins/ExperimentBaseExtracts.vue`](../src/mixins/ExperimentBaseExtracts.vue)
-Extends: [[ExperimentBase](#experimentbase)]
-| Data | Type | Default | Description |
-| ---- | ---- | ------- | ----------- |
-| `extractConfig` | `Object` | `{ x=null: Number, y=null: Number }` | Used configuration to cut the image |
-| `extracts` | `Object[]` | `[]` | List of extracts of the cutted image |
-| `extractsInfos` | `Object` | `null` | Informations on the cutted image |
-| `showHoverBorder` | `Boolean` | `null` | Should the extracts be hoverable (white rectangle around the extract) |
-| `lockConfig` | `Boolean` | `null` | Should the extract configuration be editable |
-| Method | Return type | Description |
-| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
-| `getExtracts([quality='min']: Number|String)` | `Promise<Object>` | Load image extracts using the provided quality and extract configuration |
-| `setExtractConfig(config: Object, [configuratorRef: Object])` | `Promise<Object>` | Change the extract configuration. It loads the new extracts. `config` is the new extracts configuration to use. If `configuratorRef` is provided, it will extract the extracts configurator |
-| `extractAction(event: MouseEvent, extractObj: Object)` | `Promise<void>` | Used when clicking on an extract. `event` is the mouse event (left/right click). `extractObj` is the object corresponding to the clicked extract (from the extracts array) |
-| `getExtractFullObject(extractsApiObj: Object)` | `Promise<Object>` | Takes the API image extracts response and apply more data to the extracts (like next/prec quality, zone, index or full link to image) |
-| `getClickDataObject(event, extractObj, action)` | `Object` | Calculate data on clicked event. Will get the click position on the responsive image, calculate the ratio to the real-sized image. It returns the full message sent when clicking on an extract |
-| `finishExperiment()` | `void` | Finish an experiment sending final experiment data |