Synthesis Image Noise Detection on Distributed Data : A web app to collect data on noise detection by humans on images.

rigwild 86ef782f2c Exported experiment mixins api, emphasized texts, fixed trees, finished creante an expe 5 jaren geleden
DOCUMENTATION 86ef782f2c Exported experiment mixins api, emphasized texts, fixed trees, finished creante an expe 5 jaren geleden
public b8a3856e84 Added Vuetify + theme. Routing + animation system 5 jaren geleden
server bc8fb81a79 Merge branch 'documentation' into develop 5 jaren geleden
src 414ddb5449 Fixed experiments variables + less api calls 5 jaren geleden
test f06789ca33 Update /dataCollect documentation and test 5 jaren geleden
.dockerignore 88b91170a2 Added apiDoc documentation 5 jaren geleden
.editorconfig 6c62d244ef init 6 jaren geleden
.eslintrc.js 94610236d9 Collect more data, added DataCollect route doc 5 jaren geleden
.gitignore 2991ca6cf9 Better config system with automatic loading. Refactored file structure 5 jaren geleden
LICENSE 90a7f736ab Added readme and mit license 6 jaren geleden bc8fb81a79 Merge branch 'documentation' into develop 5 jaren geleden
babel.config.js 6c62d244ef init 6 jaren geleden
back.Dockerfile bf359966c4 Fixed docker config copy fail 5 jaren geleden
cleanExtracts.js 3dc13239fa Added experiment "AreSameImagesReferenceOneExtract" 5 jaren geleden
config.js 8b152497dd Removed websockets references 5 jaren geleden
config.messagesId.js 616823b3fe Merge branch 'feature/api-ping-data-collect' into develop 5 jaren geleden
docker-compose.frontapp_only.yml 72cd80e1e6 Release hotfix 6 jaren geleden
docker-compose.yml 23eced6d79 Update docker for mongo 5 jaren geleden
experimentConfig.default.js 8975b71947 Is Image correct with one different extract created 5 jaren geleden
front.Dockerfile 72cd80e1e6 Release hotfix 6 jaren geleden
index.js 3dc13239fa Added experiment "AreSameImagesReferenceOneExtract" 5 jaren geleden
jsconfig.json 2991ca6cf9 Better config system with automatic loading. Refactored file structure 5 jaren geleden
package.json 09dda7fcdf Version bump 5 jaren geleden
webhook_deploy_gogs.js 69e8a47a76 Fixed webhook script and docker port 5 jaren geleden
yarn.lock efcfc8da66 Removed client websocket, added experimentCollect instead 5 jaren geleden


A web app to collect data on noise detection by humans on images.

Download project

git clone
cd Antoine_Internship

Run as a Docker instance

Configure application

Use the following environment variables to configure the application.

Option Default value Description Server Client
PORT 5000 The port used by the started application
SERVE_CLIENT true Should the server serve client (Fully local application) ⬜️
IMAGES_PATH ./images The directory where the images are stored (absolute path if changed ⚠️) ⬜️
MONGO_URI mongodb://localhost/webexpe MongoDB database connection URI ⬜️

Configure more deeply the way the app works by modifying config.js.

Option Default value Description
apiPrefix /api The url prefix for the API
imageServedUrl /api/images The url prefix from where the images are served
serverPort 5000 The port used by the server
mongoDatabaseURI mongodb://localhost/webexpe MongoDB database connection URI
imagesPath ./images The directory where the images are stored
serveClient true Should the server serve client files from the /dist directory
fileNameConvention /^(.*)?_([0-9]{2,})\.(.*)$/ File name convention for images
extractsDirName extracts Name of the directory containing extracts
sceneFileNameBlackList ['config', 'seuilExpe', 'extracts'] Files to ignore in scenes
deleteExtractsCronTime 0 3 * * * (every day at 03:00 AM) Cron time for extracts deletion
logger Logs : logs/server.combined.log Errors : logs/server.error.log Default application logger
dbLogger Logs : logs/db.log Errors : logs/db.error.log Database logger configuration

Configure experiments

If you want to use the default experiments configurations, you can skip this part, the Dockerfile does it for you.

You can modify the configuration for each mixins, experiments or scene. To do so, you first need to initialize experiment configurations first.

cp -r experimentConfig.default experimentConfig

You can modify the configuration for each mixins, experiments or scene by modifying files in the newly created ./experimentConfig directory. You configuration will be copied in the Docker instance.

Run server + client


PORT=8080 SERVE_CLIENT=true IMAGE_PATH=/var/images docker-compose up


SET IMAGE_PATH=C:\my\images
docker-compose up

Run server only


SERVE_CLIENT=false docker-compose up


docker-compose up

Run client only

docker-compose -f docker-compose.frontapp_only.yml up


New version Docker build

When using a new version of the project, you need to re-build the application with Docker.

# Server / Server + client versions
docker-compose build

# Client only version
docker-compose -f docker-compose.frontapp_only.yml build

Docker instance on a Windows host

As of now, Windows hosts are not supported due to MongoDB volumes not being mappable to this system.

Run on the file system

Project setup

Install project's dependencies.

yarn install

If this is a production build, set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production to enhance performance.


export NODE_ENV=production


SET NODE_ENV=production


Run the server

yarn run server:start

If you specifically want to not start the extracts remover service (extracts are automatically deleted everyday), use the following.


Automatically fix the API code syntax with ESLint

yarn run server:lint


To use the client, you need to initialize experiment configurations first.

cp -r experimentConfig.default experimentConfig

You can modify the configuration for each mixins, experiments or scene by modifying files in the newly created ./experimentConfig directory.

Compile and minify for production

Files will be built to the dist/ directory.

yarn run app:build

Run a hot-reload server for client development

yarn run app:dev

Automatically fix the client code syntax with ESLint

yarn run app:lint

Automated deployment

The app can be automatically deployed when a push event is sent to the master branch using Gogs. Open a port to the web and start webhook_deploy_gogs.js.

WEBHOOK_SECRET=your_webhook_secret WEBHOOK_PORT=5000 SERVE_CLIENT=true PORT=8080 node webhook_deploy_gogs.js

You can pass any parameters to the script, they will be passed to the Docker instance. The following are required.

Option Description
WEBHOOK_SECRET The secret set on Gogs to verify the identity
WEBHOOK_PORT The port the script is listening to

Running tests

The docker-compose script will automatically run tests. Use the following command to run them by hand.

yarn test


The docker-compose script will automatically build the API documentation. Use the following command to build it by hand.

yarn doc

The documentation is generated to the doc/ directory. If you started the server, the documentation is served at /doc/.


The MIT license