Synthesis Image Noise Detection on Distributed Data : A web app to collect data on noise detection by humans on images.

rigwild 7c8e2fb280 Added error handler + example with listScenes il y a 5 ans
api 7c8e2fb280 Added error handler + example with listScenes il y a 5 ans
public 6c62d244ef init il y a 5 ans
src e8d1e55842 Added development environment il y a 5 ans
.editorconfig 6c62d244ef init il y a 5 ans
.eslintrc.js e8d1e55842 Added development environment il y a 5 ans
.gitignore dd49f8c64e * Added config file il y a 5 ans dd49f8c64e * Added config file il y a 5 ans
babel.config.js 6c62d244ef init il y a 5 ans
config.js dd49f8c64e * Added config file il y a 5 ans
package.json 7c8e2fb280 Added error handler + example with listScenes il y a 5 ans
yarn.lock 7c8e2fb280 Added error handler + example with listScenes il y a 5 ans


Travaux développés par Antoine dans le cadre de son stage de DUT2.

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint