Analysis of different noise applied on synthesis images using SVD compression
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Analysis of different noises using singular values vector obtained from SVD compression.
Noise list :
First of all you need to generate all noise of each images in /generated folder.
Once you had generate all noisy images from synthesis scenes, you need to extract features (SVD singular values) using different metrics.
python --metric all --step 40 --color 0
python --metric all --step 40 --color 1
You can display curves of each noise for each scene :
This will give you some information about SVD singular values obtained from noise applied synthesis images. All these curves are available into curves_pictures folder after running script.
This script is used to compute all noise for each image in the images folder.
python --noise salt_pepper --image path/to/image.png --n 1000 --identical 1 --output image_salt_pepper.png --all 1 --p 0.1
Parameters :
This script is used to display noise for each level of noise of image.
python --prefix generated/${image}/${noise} --metric lab --n 1000 --mode svdne --interval "0, 200" --step 40 --norm 0 --ylim "0, 0.05"
Parameters :
Display information about tend of svd values for specific scene
Display threshold information about scene for each noise perceived. It's necessary to have in scene folder one of this file :
These files contains threshold information about a noise such that each row are written like that :