@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# main imports
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import sys, os, argparse
+# image processing
+from PIL import Image
+from ipfml import utils
+from ipfml.processing import transform, segmentation
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
+from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
+from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, VotingClassifier
+import joblib
+import sklearn.svm as svm
+from sklearn.utils import shuffle
+from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_auc_score
+from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
+# model imports
+import joblib
+# modules and config imports
+sys.path.insert(0, '') # trick to enable import of main folder module
+def write_progress(progress):
+ barWidth = 180
+ output_str = "["
+ pos = barWidth * progress
+ for i in range(barWidth):
+ if i < pos:
+ output_str = output_str + "="
+ elif i == pos:
+ output_str = output_str + ">"
+ else:
+ output_str = output_str + " "
+ output_str = output_str + "] " + str(int(progress * 100.0)) + " %\r"
+ print(output_str)
+ sys.stdout.write("\033[F")
+def loadDataset(filename, n_step = 20):
+ ########################
+ # 1. Get and prepare data
+ ########################
+ # scene_name; zone_id; image_index_end; label; data
+ head, folder_data = os.path.split(filename)
+ dataset_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(filename, folder_data + '.train'), header=None, sep=";")
+ dataset_test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(filename, folder_data + '.test'), header=None, sep=";")
+ # default first shuffle of data
+ dataset_train = shuffle(dataset_train)
+ dataset_test = shuffle(dataset_test)
+ dataset_train = dataset_train[dataset_train.iloc[:, 2] % n_step == 0]
+ dataset_test = dataset_test[dataset_test.iloc[:, 2] % n_step == 0]
+ # get dataset with equal number of classes occurences
+ noisy_df_train = dataset_train[dataset_train.iloc[:, 3] == 1]
+ not_noisy_df_train = dataset_train[dataset_train.iloc[:, 3] == 0]
+ #nb_noisy_train = len(noisy_df_train.index)
+ noisy_df_test = dataset_test[dataset_test.iloc[:, 3] == 1]
+ not_noisy_df_test = dataset_test[dataset_test.iloc[:, 3] == 0]
+ #nb_noisy_test = len(noisy_df_test.index)
+ # use of all data
+ final_df_train = pd.concat([not_noisy_df_train, noisy_df_train])
+ final_df_test = pd.concat([not_noisy_df_test, noisy_df_test])
+ # shuffle data another time
+ final_df_train = shuffle(final_df_train)
+ final_df_test = shuffle(final_df_test)
+ # use of the whole data set for training
+ x_dataset_train = final_df_train.iloc[:, 4:]
+ x_dataset_test = final_df_test.iloc[:, 4:]
+ y_dataset_train = final_df_train.iloc[:, 3]
+ y_dataset_test = final_df_test.iloc[:, 3]
+ return x_dataset_train, y_dataset_train, x_dataset_test, y_dataset_test
+def train_model(p_data_file, p_solution):
+ x_dataset_train, y_dataset_train, x_dataset_test, y_dataset_test = loadDataset(p_data_file)
+ # get indices of filters data to use (filters selection from solution)
+ indices = []
+ print(p_solution)
+ for index, value in enumerate(p_solution):
+ if value == 1:
+ indices.append(index)
+ print(f'Selected indices are: {indices}')
+ print(f"Train dataset size {len(x_dataset_train)}")
+ print(f"Test dataset size {len(x_dataset_test)}")
+ x_dataset_train = x_dataset_train.iloc[:, indices]
+ x_dataset_test = x_dataset_test.iloc[:, indices]
+ print("-------------------------------------------")
+ # model = mdl.get_trained_model(p_choice, x_dataset_train, y_dataset_train)
+ model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500, class_weight='balanced', bootstrap=True, max_samples=0.75, n_jobs=-1)
+ model.fit(x_dataset_train, y_dataset_train)
+ #######################
+ # 3. Fit model : use of cross validation to fit model
+ #######################
+ val_scores = cross_val_score(model, x_dataset_train, y_dataset_train, cv=5)
+ print("Accuracy: %0.2f (+/- %0.2f)" % (val_scores.mean(), val_scores.std() * 2))
+ ######################
+ # 4. Metrics
+ ######################
+ y_train_model = model.predict(x_dataset_train)
+ y_test_model = model.predict(x_dataset_test)
+ train_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_dataset_train, y_train_model)
+ test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_dataset_test, y_test_model)
+ train_auc = roc_auc_score(y_dataset_train, y_train_model)
+ test_auc = roc_auc_score(y_dataset_test, y_test_model)
+ ###################
+ # 5. Output : Print and write all information in csv
+ ###################
+ print("Train dataset size ", len(x_dataset_train))
+ print("Train acc: ", train_accuracy)
+ print("Train AUC: ", train_auc)
+ print("Test dataset size ", len(x_dataset_test))
+ print("Test acc: ", test_accuracy)
+ print("Test AUC: ", test_auc)
+ return model
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read and compute entropy data file")
+ # parser.add_argument('--solution', type=str, help='entropy file data with estimated threshold to read and compute')
+ parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, help='dataset filename prefiloc (without .train and .test)', required=True)
+ # parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, help='datasets file to load and predict from')
+ parser.add_argument('--solution', type=str, help='Data of solution to specify filters to use')
+ parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help="output folder")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # p_model = args.model
+ p_data_file = args.data
+ p_output = args.output
+ p_solution = list(map(int, args.solution.split(' ')))
+ # 2. load model and compile it
+ model = train_model(p_data_file, p_solution)
+ # begin prediction
+ if not os.path.exists(p_output):
+ os.makedirs(p_output)
+ scene_predictions = {}
+ data_lines = []
+ dataset_files = os.listdir(p_data_file)
+ for filename in dataset_files:
+ filename_path = os.path.join(p_data_file, filename)
+ with open(filename_path, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ data_lines.append(line)
+ nlines = len(data_lines)
+ ncounter = 0
+ for line in data_lines:
+ data = line.split(';')
+ scene_name = data[0]
+ zone_index = int(data[1])
+ if scene_name not in scene_predictions:
+ scene_predictions[scene_name] = []
+ for _ in range(16):
+ scene_predictions[scene_name].append([])
+ # prepare input data
+ # ToDo check data input
+ input_data = np.array([ l.replace('\n', '').split(' ') for l in data[4:] ], 'float32').flatten()
+ # print(input_data.flatten())
+ input_data = np.expand_dims(input_data, axis=0)
+ prob = model.predict(input_data)[0]
+ scene_predictions[scene_name][zone_index].append(prob)
+ ncounter += 1
+ write_progress(float(ncounter / nlines))
+ # 6. save predictions results
+ for key, blocks_predictions in scene_predictions.items():
+ output_file = os.path.join(p_output, key + '.csv')
+ f = open(output_file, 'w')
+ for i, data in enumerate(blocks_predictions):
+ f.write(key + ';')
+ f.write(str(i) + ';')
+ for v in data:
+ f.write(str(v) + ';')
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.close()
+if __name__== "__main__":
+ main()