Raw Light Simulation (.rawls) reader and converter

Jérôme BUISINE 7dfe4aa8df rawls converter to ppm il y a 4 ans
.gitignore 7dfe4aa8df rawls converter to ppm il y a 4 ans
Makefile 7dfe4aa8df rawls converter to ppm il y a 4 ans
README.md 7dfe4aa8df rawls converter to ppm il y a 4 ans
rawls_h_flip.cpp 7dfe4aa8df rawls converter to ppm il y a 4 ans
rawls_reader.cpp 7dfe4aa8df rawls converter to ppm il y a 4 ans


RAWLS reader


Read and convert .rawls generated syntehsis image format into .ppm.

.rawls store all pixels values as float and keeps also information about generated image (renderer used).

.rawls contains 3 blocks and specific lines information within each block:

  • IHDR:
    • First line: next information line size into byte
    • Second line: {width} {height} {nbChannels}
    • All lines: information from the renderer as comment
  • DATA
    • First line: data block size
    • Next lines: all pixels values as byte code at each line

Example of .rawls file:

� � 
#Samples 100
#Film image
  #params "integer xresolution" [1000 ] "integer yresolution" [1000 ] "string filename" ["killeroo-simple.rawls_20" ] 
#Sampler halton
 #params "integer pixelsamples" [8 ] 
#Integrator path
#Camera perspective
  #params "float fov" [39 ] 
#LookAt 400 20 30  0 63 -110  0 0 1

How it works ?

make compile

Convert the .rawls image format into .ppm

./rawls_reader --image ../path/to/image.rawls_20 --outfile image.ppm